Public Service Detail - Pre-School Fire Awareness - Mother of Sorrows School
By Secretary Mike Cline
November 13, 2019

On November 13th, firefighters of the Murrysville Volunteer Fire Company (Station 20), conducted a fire awareness class and tour of Engine 20 for the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Classes of the Mother of Sorrows School in Murrysville, PA. The students were taught what actions they should take in case of a fire in the home, what a firefighter in full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) would like in a rescue situation, and were given a tour of Engine 20. This event is part of an ongoing program to ensure that the children within the Municipality of Murrysville are comfortable with and knowledgeable about fire prevention within the home, and with firefighters when they arrive at an emergency incident.

Units: Engine 20, Squad 20