Report of Brush Fire - Murrysville Golf Club
By Secretary Mike Cline
January 15, 2021

At ~12:39 PM, Westmoreland 911 dispatched Station 20 (Murrysville VFC) for a report of a brush fire near the Murrysville Golf Course on Sardis Road. Station 20 responded with 12 firefighters going to the station to crew Engine 20 and Rescue 20, while Chief 20 and Assistant Chief 20 went directly to the scene. Westmoreland 911 also activated Station 610 (Murrysville Medic One) to support Station 20. Chief 20 was first on scene, established command, and found that a contractor was conducting a controlled burn at the site, and Murrysville Code Enforcement was on scene. Command 20 informed Westmoreland 911 of the situation, and returned all Station 20 units to service.

Units: Engine 20, Rescue 20
Mutual Aid: Murrysville Medic One (Station 610), Murrysville Code Enforcement, Murrysville Police Department