Gas Alarm - House behind Route 380 Auction Barn
By Secretary Mike Cline
September 24, 2021

At ~ 9:02 AM, Westmoreland 911 dispatched Station 20 (Murrysville VFC) to assist Station 78 (Sardis VFC) for a gas alarm at the residence behind Route 380 Auction Barn. Station 20 responded with 4 firefighters (including Assistant Chief 20) going to the station to crew Truck 20. Westmoreland 911 also dispatched the following additional stations to assist Station 78: Station 183 (Renton VFC), and Station 236 (Holiday Park VFC). As the firefighters were arriving at Station 20, Command 78 returned all dispatched stations except for Station 78.

Units: Truck 20
Mutual Aid: Sardis VFC (Station 78 ), Renton VFC (Station 183), Holiday Park VFC (Station 236)