Residential Automatic Fire Alarm - Cooper Lane
By Firefighter Mike Cline
December 15, 2018

At 17:16 PM, Westmorland 911 dispatched Station 20 (Murrysville VFC) to assist Station 78 (Sardis VFC) for a Residential Automatic Fire Alarm for a home on Cooper Lane. Station 20 responded with Truck 20 (2 firefighters), with 2 additional firefighters at Station 20 preparing to man Engine 20. Westmorland 911 also dispatched the following additional stations to assist Station 78: Station 236 (Holiday Park VFD) and Station 183 (Renton VFD). Command 78 in Engine 78 was first on scene and found no smoke or fire at the residence. Command 78 cancelled all additional responding units. Truck 20 returned to service and station.

Units: Truck 20
Mutual Aid: Sardis VFC (Station 78-Engine 78), Holiday Park VFD (Station 236-Engine 236), Renton VFD (Station 183-Engine 183)