Commercial Automatic Fire Alarm - Fletcher's Sales and Service
By Firefighter Mike Cline
February 18, 2019

At ~ 5:09 PM, Westmorland 911 dispatched Station 20 (Murrysville VFC) to assist Station 30 (Delmont VFD) for a Commercial Automatic Fire Alarm at Fletcher's Sales & Service in Delmont. Station 20 responded with 7 firefighters (including Chief 20) going to Station 20 to crew Truck 20. Westmorland 911 also dispatched the following stations to assist Station 30: Station 64 (White Valley VFD), Station 22 (Export VFD), Station 63 (Claridge VFD), and Station 90 (Forbes Road VFD). Truck 30 the first unit on scene found no fire or smoke, and Truck 20 was held in station until the scene was assessed. Command 30 cancelled Truck 20, which returned to service in station.

Units: Truck 20
Mutual Aid: Delmont VFD (Station 30 - Truck 30), White Valley VFD (Station 64 - Engine 64), Export VFD (Station 22 - Engine 22-1), Claridge VFD (Station 63 - Engine 63-1), Forbes Road VFD (Station 90 - Engine 90-1)