Residential Dryer Fire - Logan Ferry Road
By Firefighter Mike Cline
April 15, 2019

At ~ 8:08 PM, Westmorland 911 dispatched Station 20 for a report of a Dryer Fire at a home on Logan Ferry Road. Station 20 responded with Truck 20 (5 firefighters including Chief 20 and Lieutenant 20), Engine 20 (4 firefighters), with 10 firefighters manning Station 20 encase additional apparatus was needed at the scene or another alarm was received. Westmorland 911 also dispatched the following stations to assist Station 20: Station 78 (Sardis VFC), Station 22 (Export VFC), Station 64 (White Valley VFC), Station 236 (Holiday Park VFC), Station 610 (Murrysville Medic One), and the Murrysville Police. Truck 20, Engine 20 and Engine 78 arrived simultaneously with Medic 613 and Engine 22-2 arriving soon after. Chief 20 established command, found no fire or smoke was seen coming from the structure, the residents had evacuated the home, and Command 20 cancelled all units not on scene. A combined firefighter entry team from Truck 20 and Engine 78 entered the home, and found that the home owners had extinguished the dryer fire with water. The firefighters cleaned out the dryer, and ventilated the home. Once the home was safe to reenter, Command 20 released all units for return to service and station.

Units: Truck 20, Engine 20
Mutual Aid: Sardis VFC (Station 78 - Engine 78), Export VFC (Station 22 - Engine 22-2), White Valley VFC (Station 64 - Engine 64), Holiday Park VFC (Station 236 - Engine 236), Murrysville Medic One (Station 610 - Medic 613), Murrysville Police Department